Lynn Morley

Lynn Morley

It began with a simple ask: can you help with a food drive?

Years ago, when I worked at Mastercard, someone reached out to see if I’d lend a hand collecting donations of canned food. The woman was active with Operation Food Search, and she told me more about the organization.

I decided to bring my team over, and we volunteered at their facility, packing donated food. It was a positive experience, so we helped out again—packing backpacks of weekend meals for kids. Another day, we ran out of work to do, so we cleaned the OFS offices. It just felt great to be of service…and it still does!

Now that I’m retired, I volunteer weekly at OFS. I’m mostly in the office, writing thank you letters and making phone calls. I enjoy seeing the other side of the work, where people give financial support. But sometimes I still clean lockers! I’ll do anything.

Whenever I’m at OFS, I love seeing the trucks come up to the warehouse and load up. It makes me cry every time, knowing people are getting that food. There is so much need, and OFS does such a great job. But I appreciate that OFS is also addressing systemic issues through programs that prove food is medicine. Decreasing health care costs and improving health is just a great solution.

Operation Food Search goes beyond food banking to work on hunger relief for the long term. I love seeing their innovation, and I’m proud to be a part of it.